Danny Wilson

Seeing Idaho

Dedicated to unsung heroes and generation why.....Tomorrow becoming a challenge that shapes a generation/Sentimental fellows "waxing" poetically? Thoughtful humans tuning out?.....Perhaps

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80331 Munich

Standing Inside Squared Shadows...


The "pet" sounds inhabit my "inner" soul as

The numbness continues...The "purity" of a

Chaotic life looking for truth inside

Boise, Idaho....False Idols "appear" to my left/

False Idols "tapping" sensitive demons?

The United States heading towards the

End of a Trump Presidency?

Sacred cows bite the dust as The Holy

Roman Empire "struggles" to survive.


Walking down the "yellow" brick road

Searching for eternal peace....Thoughts of

Madness "rising" to the surface?

Ending one more week within Boise

Idaho....Experiencing "raw" emotions

while trying to survive.....

Leaving the comfort-zone known as


Jesus smiles anew....RIP