
Gabriela Nedoma

Green Cosmetics





ISBN: 978-3-99025-199-7
© 2015 Freya Verlag – Austria

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Green Cosmetics: Food for the skin

Our skin eats, too

Nutritious substances from nature

Skin care with a clear conscience

Skin care has a long history

Nourishment from within, Nourishment from without

The world’s oldest natural Cosmetics

Skin nutrition from Cleopatra to Empress Sisi

The skin and its care

A sensitive sensory organ

Skin layers full of life

How the skin nourishes itself

Ph-value: What care does the skin need?

Green helpers

The green pharmacy of nature

Skin-caring agents

Gathering in the natural environment

Plant processing

Natural skin food




Dairy products

Seeds, nuts and grains

Salt and natron

Medicinal clay

Fats and oils

Homemade Green Cosmetics

The safety of Green Cosmetics

Stock list Green Cosmetics

Vegan alternatives

Useful tools and accessories

Quick equipment checklist

Shopping hints

Packaging for Green Cosmetics

Skin cleansing

Washing Lotion with Green Medicinal Clay and Honey

Snow White’s Skin Secret

Face Cleansing with Barley (as described by Hildegard of Bingen)

Apricot Kernel Wash Lotion with Almond Milk

Washing Lotion with Milk and Honey

Wash Lotion with Curd and Horse Chestnut

Washing Paste with Almond Milk and Medicinal Clay

Cleopatra’s Face Cleansing Lotion

Fresh Rhubarb Wash Lotion

Lomenta with Poppy and Bean Flour

Fragrant Raspberry Washing Gel

Cleansing Milk with Horse Chestnut and Coconut Milk

Fresh Washing Mousse with Mango and Avocado

Skin Cleansing with Strawberries.

Nourishing Face Cleanser with Banana

Nourishing Make-Up Remover with Avocado

Radiant Bride – Ayurvedic Face Peeling

Exfoliating Sensitive Skin with Poppy and Yoghurt

Exfoliating Scrub with Honey

Make-Up Removal Lotion with Linseed and Cream

Quick Make-Up Remover with Curd and Honey

Make-Up Remover with Lemon Balm and Fennel

Soap Free Washing Cream with Medicinal Clay and Chocolate

Soap-Free Wash Cream with White Chocolate and Poppy

In A Hurry: 7 Quick Alternatives for Face and Body Cleansing

Natural deodorants and natural fragrances

Limoncello Deodorant

Mint-Basil Deodorant

Deodorant with Orange Brine

Fruity Deodorant with Young Tree Shoots

Elderflower and Lemon Deodorant

Calming Bach Flower Quince Deodorant

Deodorant made from 4-Thieves Vinegar

Simply Natural Deodorant

Fragrant Old English Rose and Orange Water

Deodorant with cherry blossoms

Fast 30-Second Deodorant

Eau de Toilet de la Reine de Hongrie

Skin smoothies

Skin Smoothie with Tulip Petals

Flower and Shoots Skin Smoothie

Rose and Raspberry Skin Smoothie

Aloe Vera Skin Smoothie

Skin Mousse with Bananas for Soft Skin

Ginger and Cucumber Skin Smoothie

Sea Buckthorn and Carrot Skin Smoothie

Violet Blossom Water

Cooling Mint Smoothie

Basil Love Skin Smoothie

Chickweed Smoothie for Impure Skin

In a hurry: Instant freshness from your kitchen

Moisturizers and natural sun care

Cooling Gel with Mint and Linseed

Sun Cream with Marigold and Carrot

Green Propolis Oil for Sunburn

Summer Milk with Aloe Vera and Lemon Verbena

Anti-inflammatory Lotion with Ginger and Linseed

Skin Balm with Lime Blossoms

Moisturizing Lotion with Fresh Marshmallow (Okra)

Skin Protective Compress with Potato

Protective Sun Oil with Walnut and Horse Chestnut

Skin Soothing Gel with Quinces and Quince Seeds

Sun Protection Spray with Horse Chestnut

Fresh Plantain Skin Balm

Fresh Balm with Pomegranate and Cherry Resin

Circulation Stimulating Lotion with Nutmeg

Moisturizing Skin Cream with Rose, Apple, and Carrot

Antioxidant Moisturizer with Sea Buckthorn and Cherry Resin

Skin Regenerating Lotion with Parsley

Sisi’s Refreshing Essence with Violets

Healing oils and ointments

Hemp Oil with Plantain

Skin Regenerating Madonna Lily Oil

Healing Oil with Lavender

Wound Healing Oil with St. John’s Wort

Warm Winter Socks Ointment

Healing Ointment with Incense

Pumpkin Seed Oil Ointment

Willow Bud Skin Cream

King of Herbs Cream: Unguentum Basilicum

Lip care

Trotula’s Lily Lip Balm

In a Hurry: Quick Lip Balm from the Kitchen

Sweet Lip Balm with Honey

Pink Lip Balm with Raspberries

Natural dental care

Healing Toothpaste with Ginger and Mint

Ayurvedic Dental Powder

Rose and Sage Dental Powder after Hildegard of Bingen

Healing Bud Propolis Toothpaste

Cinnamon Toothpaste

Schuessler Salts Mouth Spray with Rosemary

Tooth Gel with Medicinal Herbs

Ash Tooth Powder

Whitening Powder with Horse Chestnut

Anti-inflammatory Tooth Oil with Parsley

Natural hair care

Shampoo with Medicinal Clay and Stinging Nettle

Fresh Natural Shampoo with Birch Leaves and Cherry Resin

Natural Shampoo with Horse Chestnut and Whey

Natural Shampoo with Horse Chestnut, Apples and Oranges

Catherine De’ Medici’s Egg-Nog Shampoo

Hair Smoothie with Rosemary and Basil

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Plantain

Natural Shampoo with Honey and Whey

Shampoo with Rose and Sage

Shampoo with Plum Tree Ash by Hildegard of Bingen

Quick Natural Shampoo with Lavender and Sage

Setting Lotion with Quince Seeds and Apple Chips

Setting Lotion with Oak Leaves

Setting Lotion with Honey

Nutritious Setting Lotion with Medicinal Herbs

Fragrant Oriental Setting Lotion with Tonka Beans

In a Hurry: 30 Second Beer Fixative

Lemon Hair Mask

Birch Hair Conditioner

Stinging Nettle Hair Conditioner

Sisi’s Hair Tonic with Lavender

Nasturtium Tonic

Thyme and Rose Hair Conditioner

Special men’s care

Oak Leaf Deodorant

Vitality Perfume

Mild Shaving Soap with Rosemary


Sugaring Paste

Depilating with Sugar Paste

Trotula Balm with Roses, Violets, and Black Poplar

Lime Blossom Deodorant

Chamomile Aftershave Lotion

Special baby care

Breast milk Care for Babies

Baby Milk and Honey Bath

Baby Chamomile Bath

Baby Rose Bath

Baby Wound Healing Oil

Hildegard’s Plaster for Sore Baby Skin

Herbal Massage Oil for Babies

Calming Calendula Skin Care for Babies

Soft, Natural Baby Powder

Basic recipes

Ghee/Concentrated Butter

Oil Wax Ointment

Horse Chestnut Powder

Almond Milk

Additional information




Welcome to the world of Green Cosmetics! If you’re looking for 100% natural care without preservatives or additives then this is for you. As the name promises, Green Cosmetics are really green: natural, fresh, and wholesome. Green Cosmetics are life in harmony with nature, with no animal experiments or added chemicals, less consumption, more self-sufficiency, and a clean environment. Green biocare with a clear conscience!

What are cosmetics? We dont want to boast but the term cosmetics derives from the whole cosmos. The ancient Greek expression kósmos means order and stands for the harmonic structure of the universe. From that kosmitiké tekhné, the art of decorating, evolved. In this book – as with the ancient Greeks – beauty and order come to form a unity. Here cosmetics mean beauty in tune with nature. For pure care. For healthy nutrition for the skin. For easy recipes. For gentle products as pure as nature herself.

All good reasons, therefore, to produce your own Green Cosmetics! This book contains 130 natural alternatives to commercial products, all of them nourishing, biological, and homemade. The benefits are obvious: you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin and you invigorate yourself with healthy, natural care. Enjoy discovering Green Cosmetics and enjoy naturally nourished skin!


Gabriela Nedoma





Healthy, organic and fresh foods are a normal part of people’s lives nowadays, making natural skin care a meaningful next step for anyone preferring fresh over processed, as both nutrition and cosmetics are absorbed into the body. Our skin consumes also; its food is the cosmetic products we apply. It is common sense to choose one’s cosmetics with the same care as one’s food.

Since time immemorial and with good reason the ingredients of innumerable cosmetic products have been garnered from kitchens and gardens, food that’s well tolerated and effective on your skin. Strawberries tighten the skin; parsley clears the skin’s pores, and cucumber moisturizes it. Flour exfoliates; whey cleans; salt deodorizes, and medicinal clay increases the skin’s suppleness. The active ingredients of age-old and well-tried remedies come from kitchen and garden.

Even today, poultices of cabbage leaves are used to treat inflammations; fermented curd cheese is used for sore throats, and socks soaked in vinegar can be used to lower a high temperature. They all heal through their valuable substances, are inexpensive, and easily available, making it only natural to apply the same quality criteria we use in nutrition to our cosmetic products. Fresh nutrition is good for our skin, too


Looking for complex, active cosmetics, one quickly discovers plenty in nature. Many uses of modern cosmetics have long since been developed by nature in foods. Dairy products with their regenerating properties are the original formula of any moisturizing cream. Flours clean, detoxify, and supply the skin with soothing substances. Honey regenerates the skin with enzymes and supplies healing agents.


Their versatility makes foods very suitable for cosmetics. They’re skin care, medicine, and nutrition in one. An ordinary quince tastes delicious and supplies the body with vitamins, enzymes, and minerals from within. Used cosmetically, it acts as a moisturizer, improves the look of the skin, and increases skin elasticity. Finally, in naturopathy quince stimulates skin regeneration and is used to treat wounds, burns, or hemorrhoids. What other product can be said to be delicious as well as care for and heal the skin, except those from the apothecaries’ nutritious store cupboard that is nature?

We owe our easy access to this effective biotechnological skin care to Mother Nature. She’s had a lot of time to develop complex agents and bring them together in the smallest of spaces. Take fresh marigold flowers as an example. Boiled in fat they quickly turn into soothing ointment. This ointment consists of these two ingredients only, because nature has already concentrated numerous active ingredients in the marigold. Mother Nature makes it easy for us humans. We only have to help ourselves to the perfectly balanced mixture. And nature makes the most complicated processes seem very simple. Clever Mother Nature makes her sophisticated accomplishments look easy.



Bio cosmetics are economic, versatile, and effective. They save time, money, and additional steps in skin care. When time is of the essence, a teaspoon of yoghurt is sufficient to clean your face, and a single pot cares for your face for many days. This simple spoonful of yoghurt is make-up remover, cleanser, tonic, toner, and skin cream in one. Yoghurt provides the skin with useful nutrients and stimulates dermal regeneration. If the skin is supplied with adequate natural nutrition, it needs little to be well nourished.


These days especially, a lot of foods which are still usable are thrown away due to their expiry date. What a pity as skin and wallet would be happy to have them. Kitchen and fridge provide our skin with nurturing substances at almost no cost. A few dashes of milk replenish natural oils; a small amount of curd cheese tightens facial contours, and a dash of double cream in your bath saves you moisturizing afterwards. Kitchen waste also cares excellently for your skin. Squeezed lemons make a high-speed fruit deodorant; rhubarb peel cleans and refreshes the skin; left-over potatoes take care of chapped hands, and apple peel provides natural moisture. Helping yourself to natural ingredients from your kitchen and fridge is no-cost luxury and creates the feel-good factor. You avoid waste and food usage is optimized. In many cultures food is holy and revered as the spiritual means of life. Edibles are gifts from our Earth used worldwide with appreciation and gratitude for nature and her creatures.

Gathering the active ingredients for Green Cosmetics from nature doesn’t require any financial outlay. Simply collect skin-caring plants such as chickweed, oak, plantain, birch, or stinging nettle. A basket and a thorough look round the woods, meadows, or the garden is sufficient to quickly gather raw materials for cosmetics. The personal search for medical plants, the picking, and the processing all connect you with nature. It grounds you, makes you more self-sufficient, and brings about more independence from commercial and financial structures. In addition, do-it-yourself instead of buy-it-yourself is fun!


Living from nature is a human birthright. Even though we now live in a privileged age where our needs can be fulfilled by money, this could quickly change, making it necessary to be more self-sufficient for our own and our families’ sakes. Therefore, it’s a good feeling to know this is possible and we don’t have to depend on consumerism. Moreover, working in nature frees the spirit and psyche of stress and has a beneficial effect on body and soul. Our connection with the earth and its plants is an important means of balancing the soul, used in therapies such as Silvo Therapy or Garden Therapy. Gathering in nature is soul therapy, relaxing, delighting, and healing.

Many of the ingredients in this book are regionally produced basic foodstuffs. This lessens the ecological footprint and supports regional production. Buying Fair trade, biologically grown and GM-free foods supports environmentally friendly businesses and production chains. With foodstuff-based cosmetics, we can be 100% certain that no ingredients have been tested on animals and not one of our animal friends had to suffer for our beauty. Artificial agents in cosmetics, such as aluminum, PEGs, phthalates, and silicones, among others, can accumulate in the body and pollute water and the environment. This is not the case with natural ingredients. They nourish skin and body, are metabolized, are completely absorbed by the body, and therefore do not pollute the environmental cycles. Green Cosmetics are clean, make you feel good, and act in harmony with nature.
