Danny Wilson

Tomorrow Comes

Dedicated to Virginia Jones. Your passion for the language burns eternal for all ages.

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich

Muted Voices

The reality of a complex life takes me to a surreal place.  Thoughts of eternal love defining the nuances of a tender heart once more.   My bi-polar mind travels beyond the confines of a somber existence.  Friday night drama illuminating the depression that battles a "fractured" mind.  Saturday morning angst takes me to a different road in a never ending journey.  Staring into a bright sunrise moves a complex soul to evaluate the meaning of life.  

Human foibles raise their ugly head.  Cruel people refusing to accept differences that make each of us totally unique souls.   A waitress at Denny's creates a "safe" space within a "chaotic" world.  Monday morning angst fades to black with the 1st cup of joe.  I burn the midnight oil in search of the "perfect" sentence.  Voices speak to my "muse" in ways that take me on a surreal bi-polar journey.