Danny Wilson

A Continuing Journey

Dedicated to the uplift of the human condition...We shall overcome. Maybe?

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich

The Invisible Man

Moments of doubt leave me wondering about true worth.

Monday morning rants drive me to the brink of insanity...

Emotions are raw.

Desire fades to black;Twitter becomes my only obsession.

I move within a grey circle now.




Searching Now

The complexities of life weigh heavily..

I ask "surreal" questions that illustrate the power of inner demons.

Looking around a missing corner;What happened?

Life occurs when humans plan reality.

Staring into a blank computer screen.

Should I continue putting my muse through hell?

What would Rosanne Barr do....

To be continued.

Martian Chronicles

Before the light the darkness flows/grows..

I profile the subtle excesses of a multi-tasked society...Fear of the unknown.

Writer's block becomes a daily occurance;Finding my own private reality.

Bruce Jenner tries...Bruce Jenner cries.

Christopher Columbus sails for tomorrow...Johnny Depp? 

Just thinking.

Feeling true/blue.
