Cover Page

Sand Production Management for Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs





Shouwei Zhou

Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Former Vice President of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China

Fujie Sun

General Manager of Technology Development Department of CNOOC, China








Poorly consolidated heavy oil sandstone reservoirs represent a large and increasing percentage of China’s oil and gas resources. The reasonable and efficient development of these reservoirs is becoming one of the important growth points of China’s oil industry. The economic development of poorly consolidated reservoirs will significantly maintain and improve China’s oil production rate and reduce production cost.

The achievements in this book are the collections of studies and applications of researchers in the domain of offshore oilfield exploitation for many years. The contents provide a new approach to develop unconsolidated heavy oil reservoirs. Publishing this information will be beneficial to other researchers, engineers, and on-site operation management staff who are involved in oil exploitation.

Luo Pingya
Academician of Academy of Engineering Chinese; Former President of Southwest Petroleum University